Canadian Crude Quality Technical Association - Project - Crude Oil Flammability (CLOSED)
Crude Oil Flammability (CLOSED)

Start Date
July 2014

The project was initially launched as a participant sponsored project to provide more defensible and definitive information in regard to the flammability of crude oil. There was an initial focus on the test methods used in the UN classification of crude oil. Given the volatile nature of crude oil the test methods cited in UN regulations could misclassify the packing group. Testing was focused on crudes for road and rail transport.

As the project evolved, the focus moved on to evaluating the differences between ignition and combustion sustainability in various transported Canadian crudes. There was a specific focus on the behaviors of diluted bitumen versus conventional crudes.

The project became a CCQTA funded project in September 2015.

Milestones as of August 2023

  • UN Classification test methods (ASTM D86) is incapable of correctly identifying the initial boiling point of many crude oils. ASTM D8003 or other suitable GC method are more appropriate.
  • Determined that all tested blends containing more that 3% diluent were Class 3 PG I
  • flammable liquids. 2016
  • Determined that blends containing <10% diluent (railbit?) did not sustain combustion. 2017
  • Provided preliminary information on the test protocol and data for sustained combustion work to both the National Research Canada and Sandia National Laboratories for use in their studies. 2017
  • Sandia report on Sampling and Analysis Methods Evaluation confirms CCQTA Test Method work to date. 2018
  • Final Innotech report available for CCQTA members and a sanitized version made available for public distribution. 2018
  • No future project work planned.

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  • This project is now closed.

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